Learn How to Purchase in Bulk
Have you considered becoming a Bulk Purchaser? In this way you will obtain our publications at special rates, enabling you to personally partake in the vision of getting the Word out to the world.
Bulk orders are discounted by up to 40% from the normal retail price.
To be a Bulk Purchaser, it is not necessary to distribute all publications of the ISR. All that is required is to bulk-purchase the item or items of choice.
Note: We regret that some items may have a different discount than indicated below. Such items will be specifically indicated by us.
Bulk Purchasing Discounts
There are different Bulk Purchase Plans, each with its own special discount, subject to the above:
10 copies ± 25% discount on Webshop single copy price. - PLAN B
40 copies ± 33% discount on Webshop single copy price. - PLAN C
120 copies ± 40% discount on Webshop single copy price.
Please Note
Although Bulk Purchasers participate in the Vision of the ISR, they do not in any way represent the ISR. Any beliefs, actions or involvements of Bulk Purchasers are their own, and not in any way to be construed as representing beliefs, actions or involvements of the ISR.
Anyone dealing with a Bulk Purchaser does so independently of any dealings with the ISR. The ISR does not give any undertaking to publish names and addresses of Bulk Purchasers, but may do so at our own discretion.